
Tuesday, March 27

Sweeney's Hitchcock Review

A very nice show -- we enjoyed it immensely (but, although leaking my seat location (I was right in front, just below the stomping and swaying Scott McCaughey) and appearance in a previous post, I met no Philly area Fegs (sorry Lauren, Jeanne, Max, et al; prob. my fault - I shoulda given out our cell # or something), but, very strangely, we DID end up sitting (by total coincidence) at the same table as Cynthia from Chicago (!) who stood behind us at the Chicago Metro show in Nov. (!!) and who was in Philly to catch a show with a local friend (small frickin' world, eh?!?)).

Anyway - on to the facts (incl. red/brown ameoba/lizard shirt that I must have seen him wear 4 or 5 times in the past) (ranking just ahead of the black and white polka dot jobby):

Uncorrected Personality Traits (Robyn w/acoustic)
Queen Elvis (add Bill)
Red Locust Frenzy (add Scott)
16 Years ("an imaginary imaginary we don't know how it starts...") (add Peter)
Sally Was a Legend
Ole Tarantula
Balloon Man (Robyn switches to electric near the end for outro solo, IIRC)
Chinese Bones
Jewels For Sophia
The Underneath
The Authority Box
Brenda's Iron Sledge
City of Shame
Madonna of the Wasps
(A Man's Gotta Know His Limitations) Briggs (seen it live since - I think - '97 and this was (by far) the shortest version of the intro I've heard)


I Often Dream of Trains (Robyn solo electric)
Kingdom of Love*
Not Dark Yet
Give it to the Soft Boys

Nice show, nice night...onto Lindsey Buckingham in Philly tomorrow night (who - sadly - doesn't vary his set much...but still provides a rockin' good time), then continue on our East Coast vacation.

...But first, tomorrow afternoon, a tour of the city...either by double-decker bus or - wait for it - fuck me, baby: a trolleybus...I know what I'm voting for...

Michael Sweeney

* "This is a moustache that is always looking for a face" - RH, 3/26/07


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